OrientDB works with a native graph database and databases built on SQL. It comes in two flavors: Enterprise and Community editions. For this post, we’re going to be installing the community edition on Ubuntu. It is used by major corporations and businesses looking for high-performance database systems… Most people will tell you a thing or two about MySQL and MariaDB, however, for professionals, OrientDB is fast, secure, and scalable. This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to install the OrientDB database server on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 LTS Servers. To install OrientDB, follow the steps below:

Install Java

OrientDB requires Java to function. To get Java installed, run the commands below After running the commands above, you should see a prompt to accept the PPA key onto Ubuntu… accept and continue Now that the PPA repository has been added to Ubuntu, run the commands below to download Oracle Java 8 installer…. the installer should install the latest Java JDK 8 on your Ubuntu machines. When you run the commands above you’ll be prompted to access the license terms of the software… accept and continue. Set Oracle JDK8 as default, to do that, install the oracle-java8-set-default package. This will automatically set the JAVA env variable. Now that JAVA is installed, run the commands below to set its home directory. Then copy and paste the highlighted line below and save the file. After that run the commands below. When you run echo $JAVA_HOME  you should now see the Java home directory.

Install OrientDB

Now that Java is installed, run the commands below to download the OrientDB package. Replace with release number with the latest available one. Next, move the OrientDB package to its home directory. Then add a user and group for orientdb. After that, change into the /opt/orientdb/bin directory and run the commands below to install You should be prompted to create a root password. create one and continue.

Create OrientDB Service

After the steps above, run the commands below to create a service for OrientDB. Then run the commands below: Copy and paste the lines below into the file and save. Save and exit. Finally, run the commands below to start the service. To check the status, run the commands below. You should see the info below: Now all you have to do is open your browser and browse to the server hostname or IP address. Log on with the root account and password. username: root You may also like the post below: